Product Groups

Flour milling and cooking bread in ovens are as old as human being. Development in civilization has yield a development in oven technology, too. In villages and small towns, people generally produce their own bread in their small, private ovens. They used

We all play with playing dough. Maybe the oldest toy of a person is burnt. Some children play with the dough prepared to make bread, not with the game dough. But the real thing is that it is one of our closest companions from the very beginning of mankind

The pastry sector has made great strides in recent years. In this, change of habits plays an important role. For example, tea times that were once made in houses have been moved to pastry. Moreover, as the urbanization rate increases, the need for pastry-

In bakery, besides the main units such as furnace, dough mixer and shaping machine, there are many auxiliary types of equipment. These equipments are used to increase the quality of the product as well as to decrease the production cost by increasing the

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